Several years ago they made a movie series based on an early nineteenth century powerful public figure. He was an influential person in Atlantic City and among republicans. In one episode, when he was ashamed in front of his only close friend, he said, everyone in life picks up the amount of sin that he or she is fit to carry. As a Christian and as a pastor, I was struck by the weight of this statement, which might seem true in many cases in an intricate manner. Yes, we make choices in life and not always good ones. Yes, we have the power to control certain things that is required of us by God. Yes, we have the means to decide how much we give, how much we love, how much we forgive, how do we want to resist sinful desires, even to demand from our own self to trust someone and God wholeheartedly. However, there is the sin of this world that sits on our shoulders as an invisible backpack filled with stones. Many times it seems that we are hopeless victims of systematic injustice all around us, such as corruption, greed and drugs that impacts our lives. The everyday presence of adverse childhood experiences, like a disease influence adults to hide their hurts and pains from traumatic childhood events of insults, humiliation, lies, separation and abuse. These are part of the dirty laundry of communities where we become shackled to the normalcy of sins. These are iniquities that nobody wants to deal with. People are ashamed and try to be tough not realizing that they are reproducing the ghostlike sin. Let us turn to God and praise his holy name for the gift of salvation and to the company of his messengers around us in our sacred church family. May we reborn through faith and find new meaning in the life that we share together.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! – 2 Corinthians 5:17
Several years ago they made a movie series based on an early nineteenth century powerful public figure. He was an influential person in Atlantic City and among republicans. In one episode, when he was ashamed in front of his only close friend, he said, everyone in life picks up the amount of sin that he or she is fit to carry. As a Christian and as a pastor, I was struck by the weight of this statement, which might seem true in many cases in an intricate manner. Yes, we make choices in life and not always good ones. Yes, we have the power to control certain things that is required of us by God. Yes, we have the means to decide how much we give, how much we love, how much we forgive, how do we want to resist sinful desires, even to demand from our own self to trust someone and God wholeheartedly. However, there is the sin of this world that sits on our shoulders as an invisible backpack filled with stones. Many times it seems that we are hopeless victims of systematic injustice all around us, such as corruption, greed and drugs that impacts our lives. The everyday presence of adverse childhood experiences, like a disease influence adults to hide their hurts and pains from traumatic childhood events of insults, humiliation, lies, separation and abuse. These are part of the dirty laundry of communities where we become shackled to the normalcy of sins. These are iniquities that nobody wants to deal with. People are ashamed and try to be tough not realizing that they are reproducing the ghostlike sin. Let us turn to God and praise his holy name for the gift of salvation and to the company of his messengers around us in our sacred church family. May we reborn through faith and find new meaning in the life that we share together. His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. - 2 Peter 1:3 As we enter the final stages of the presidential election we tend to think with a mind that is not our own. From the different news outlets we are being pushed to form an opinion of different candidates who represent ideologies that may suit our way of thinking or maybe distant from our own reality. The best way to remain a responsible citizen is to always fall back on your faith, on God and keep a clear mind entrusting God who has given us all what we need for life and godliness. God will be with us to comfort us and to guide us long after the election and will help us even then, when politicians and earthly powers abandon us. Praise God for his blessings in worship. Contribute to his glory by confessing your brokenness and your content in him as a member of your church. Although in many occasions people say negative things about the church, let us stop for a moment and collect at least three things that is right, that is humbling and beautiful in the church. Here are three from me: the moments of courage, when someone shades tears for God during the service, the tolling of the bells, which breaks the gathering noise at the beginning of each worship service, the divine moments of Holy Communion that gratifies who we are together in Christ. What can you list that is godly and good in the church for you? Do not be ashamed to share it with someone and may the Lord bless you! Az ő isteni ereje megajándékozott minket mindazzal, ami az életre és a kegyességre való, azáltal, hogy megismertük őt, aki saját dicsőségével és erejével hívott el minket. – 2 Péter 1:3 Az amerikai elnökválasztás utolsó szakaszában járunk, amikor nehéz józan ésszel gondolkozni. Különböző médiumok által hatalmas nyomás nehezedik ilyenkor az emberre. A média befolyásolja gondolatainkat azért, hogy a jelöltek ideológiájával azonosuljunk, mégha vajmi kevés is az, ami hasonló közöttünk és köztük. A legbölcsebben reagálni ezekre a kihívásokra a keresztyéni hitünk által lehetséges. Legyünk mindig józanok és kérjük, hogy az Úr, aki megajándékozott bennünket minden jóval és kegyelemmel, segítsen meg bennünket. Isten az, aki a választások után is velünk lesz és még akkor is, amikor esetleg csalódunk abban, akire szavaztunk, mert az ígéretét megszegte.Dícsérd az Istent, imádd az Urat a templomban és az életed minden pillanatában. Járulj hozzá az Isten dicsőségéhez úgy, hogy megvallod lelked titkait. Szolgáld Istened. Sokszor lehet hallani, hogy testvéreink rossz dolgokat mondanak a templomról, a gyülekezetről. Álljunk meg egy percre és hajtsunk fejet Isten előtt,nevezzünk meg legalább három jó dolgot a gyülekezetről, ami áldottá teszi a templomi közösséget. Számomra például felemelő a hívő ember bátorsága, amikor az istentisztelet alatt könnyeivel áldoz az Úr előtt, amikor a templom harangjai csendet vezényelnek az istentisztelet kezdeténél, vagy a szent pillanatai az úrvacsorának, ami mint a gravitáció ereje fog mindnyájunkat össze Krisztusban. Mik azok a jó dolgok amiket te őrzöl a szívedben a templomról, ami neked jelenti Isten kegyességét? Ne szégyeld elmondani valakinek és áldjon meg téged érte az Úr! Copyright © 2016, by Rev. Tamas Devecseri, all rights reserve “Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other!” –Luke 12:51 These sentences are disturbing from Jesus Christ, but true, even two thousand years after his death. His crucifixion and resurrection did not end his conquest in the world rather jumpstarted it. We can feel that today too. I had to go to service my car recently, where the mechanic told me, he was baptized in our church and grew up in our congregation. He told me also that he moved away, but he keeps telling his wife that he misses the Hungarian Reformed Church. His wife’s response is often the same. “Why would you want to go back in time, the church does not change, everything is the same all the time. Even the ministers look ridiculous in that old fashioned cape. They look like Dracula. Why can’t they just losing up?” We hear conversations like this among ourselves and we carry similar questions in our minds that may divide us as Jesus said it, but also demands a response from us. We all have different experiences and needs in life, which at the end produces breaking points in our relationships, yet the love of God through Jesus Christ keeps us on the ground to stay on our feet and maintain our course the best we can. Families may split apart when someone decides to follow Christ, while other refuses to do so. The question of Jesus for us is this, are we ready to make a sacrifice, step out of our comfort zone in order to follow Jesus Christ? What would you do if God would ask you to give up something for him today? Would you follow him or would you choose to remain the same? ,,Azt gondoljátok, azért jöttem, hogy békességet hozzak a földre? Nem - mondom nektek -, hanem inkább meghasonlást.” – Lukács 12:51 Meghökkentő mondatok ezek a Jézus Krisztustól, még évezredek eltelte után is, de valósak. Krisztus halála a keresztfán és a feltámadása sem vetett véget hódító missziójának, inkább egy nagyobb sebeséggel és elszántsággal folytatódott. Szavai tükrözik a valóságot ma is. A közelmúltban az autómat kellett javíttassam, amikor a szerelővel szóbaelegyedtem.Elmesélte, hogy a mi templomunkba keresztelték meg, a gyülekezetünkben nőtt fel, jelenleg pedig egy távoli városban lakik, de vissza vágyik a templomi közösségünkbe. Elmondása szerint ezt mindig mondja a feleségének is, aki rendszerint lebeszéli arról, hogy vasárnap templomunkba jöjjenek. Ilyeneket mond neki: ,,Nem kell mindig a múltba keresni a boldogságot.Nincs szükség a templomra, mert ott nem változik semmi, minden mindig ugyanaz. A lelkészek is furcsák abban a köpönyegben, úgy néznek ki, mint drakula.Miért nem tudnak haladni a korral?” Gyakran hallunk hasonló gondolatokat másoktól is. Sokszor saját magunkat is rajtakapjuk, hogy kételkedünk, meghasonlunk, ahogy a Jézus Krisztus is mondja, miközben az Úr vár a reakciónkra.Mindnyájunk élete különbözik, de mégis eljut az ember mindig egy törésvonalhoz, amikor csak az Isten szeretetére támaszkodhat, hogy a helyes úton maradjon. Vannak családok, ahol felborul minden, amikor valaki úgy dönt, hogy a Jézus Krisztust követi és vannak olyan családok, ahol valaki hátat fordít Istennek és akkor születik meg a törés. A kérdés számunkra az, hogy mi mennyire vagyunk áldozatkészek. Mikor tudjuk feladni azt, ami kényelmes és megszokott számunkra azért, hogy a Krisztust kövessük? Te milyen áldozatot hoznál ma, ha az Úr megszólítana, hogy szükség van rád? Copyright © 2016, by Rev. Tamas Devecseri, all rights reserve |
The Reverend Tamas Devecseri serves the Hungarian Reformed Church of Carteret since September of 2012. He was born in Gyongyos, Hungary, moved to the USA in 1991. He received his B.A. degree in Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, his Master of Divinity degree in the New Brunswick Theological Seminary, where he also received the Certificate of Fitness for Ministry as a student, in the care of the Reformed Church In America. He received the call to serve at the Hungarian Reformed Church of Carteret, where he was ordained and installed as a full time pastor. Archives
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